Thursday, March 11, 2010

Validation: The 2010 Census

The race is on to get Latinos to participate in the 2010 Census. We have articles and blog posts popping up left and right about the sentiments towards participation and efforts aimed at getting Hispanic audiences to respond.

Voto Latino is teaming up with the Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund in an effort to push for robust Hispanic Youth participation.

Participation is a good thing.

However, there's a hidden message about this 2010 Census that isn't getting as much attention and that is the essence of validation. The data gathered will help to validate the size, impact, and importance of the Hispanic market in the U.S.

For marketers, the information gathered will truly serve as a gold mine.

For Latinos, the results will prove to be dynamic and help solidify Hispanics as the future of America and a population segment of an importance that cannot be overstated.

It's truly an exciting time.