Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Reading Material for Today's Hispanic Market Insider

Hispanic Market Articles
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Staying on top of today's growing Latino market is a must for individuals and organizations focused on reaching new heights in audience engagement, market savvy and brand affinity. We are in the midst of a directional shift where astute brand managers and market researchers alike move full speed ahead on the path towards fully grasping the growing influence and dynamic activity of what is termed the Hispanic market. Following are a few articles that are sure to serve as relevant reading material on this continual journey towards audience understanding...

Hispanics’ Digital Dexterity Defies Stereotypes
Hispanics in this country have a duality. They’re trying to meld their American life with traditions and culture from their country of origin. It makes for an interesting dynamic of someone living in and balancing two worlds. Within that, we really wanted to uncover how Hispanic consumers think about themselves.

Get Ready for the Battle of the Latino Basket
How one company wanted to go to market with "an open mind" and, through innovation, bring Latino flavors to mainstream products.

Multicultural Marketing Is Very Much Alive
As the voice of the Hispanic-specialized marketing industry, we know that cultural relevance remains the trump card in marketing, regardless of the population segment you are trying to reach. Therefore, it is vital to have marketing practitioners who not only reflect the target market but also understand these cultural nuances.

Multicultural Is the Wave of the Future
Changes in demographics, marketing tools and corporate expertise have made multicultural marketing more relevant than ever. In fact, multicultural marketing, particularly targeting Hispanics, has grown at a faster rate than overall marketing in the past 10 years .