Thursday, February 11, 2010

Reaching Hispanics Online

Engaging today's online Hispanic population is the result of research and an understanding of the various cultural dynamics in motion. Good content can be a great tool for capturing the interest of Latinos online.
Lee Vann has an excellent post on the subject of good content over at MediaPost.

Here are his 10 tips for using content to effectively reach online Hispanics:

1. Don't be afraid of the social Internet; embrace it

2. Develop clear goals and objectives upfront

3. Establish a voice and develop guidelines to ensure it is always consistent

4. Ensure that all content provides value to your target audience

5. Don't be afraid to test out different things

6. Make sure content is engaging, stimulating a conversation

7. Create an agile process, including legal approvals

8. Make sure your content is social media-optimized to maximize sharing

9. Avoid using regional Spanish when engaging to national Hispanic audiences

10. Be consistent when using the formal "usted" and informal "tu" forms in Spanish